Professional Genealogy Research fees are $50 hourly, with a 10 hour initial commitment.
Per hour research with no minimum hours is available at $70 per hour.
Rush projects fees are dependent on individual needs and schedule availability.
All Clients are required to sign a New Client Agreement, a standard form to outline research goals, set budget and explain exact specifications of the project. This form is sent digitally in PDF format and can be electronically signed and returned.
What to Expect
1. A specific research goal must be defined. This will be discussed prior to the start of the project.
2. All previous research bearing on the research goal must be provided prior to the start of the project. If failure to provide relevant information results in duplication of previous research, charges for this research will still apply.
3. A deposit of 20% of the total commissioned project fees will be required to be placed on my current waiting list. This deposit will be entirely applied toward the research fees.
4. Copy costs will be charged at cost, in addition to my hourly research rate.
5. The final research report will be delivered only after the final balance has been paid.
Upon project completion, Clients are provided with a source cited research report, including copies of all evidence, provided digitally in PDF format, via online delivery. If paper copies are desired in addition to the digital copies, additional charges will apply.
Research Reports contain what resources were used with complete citations, analyzed findings and suggestions for further research.